Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thanks for the ... compliment?

As I was leaving Delirium, one of the rides at Kings Island, a ride op approached.

"Has anyone ever told you," he asked, "that you look like Rocky Balboa?"

Perhaps it was the ice cold chill in my "No," or perhaps it was the look of dismay at being compared to a over the hill actor who looks like he's gone a few rounds in the ring that prompted him to say "But that's a good thing, really."

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sorry To Wake You

I call my landlord. It's clear that I woke him up.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but that's okay, I was just thinking about refugee camps."

Sunday, June 03, 2007

In Boystown? What A Surprise!

Deep in the heart of Boystown, a woman and her young child step out of a restaurant. A storm had just passed through, the pavement still slick with rain, but now the sun was breaking through.

And the woman said, in a Barney-esque voice, "Raaiinnbooowwww! Raaiinnnbboowww! I feel a raaiinnnbboow coming on!"