Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Walk Down Halsted

Sunday, I stopped in at the Brown Elephant. I decided that rather than ride my bike, I would walk my bike down Halsted to Sidetrack, where I planned to while away an hour or two enjoying showtunes.

The things you hear and see...

I passed three young queens, one of whom found it necessary as I approached to vigorously adjust his equipment. The queen in the middle said that was why she always wore a jockstrap. The third queen announced she was not wearing underwear: she was freeballing.

As I passed Halsted and Roscoe, there were several queens sitting outside Cocktail. One of them pointed at me... using a limp wrist to point with... and said something. I couldn't quite make it out. I was just tickled by the thought of someone so queeny they point with a limp wrist.

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